Customized recruitment process from the ground up
Stop wasting time on after-hours recruiting - leave it in the hands of our experts and get on with running your business.
As part of our All In service, we manage the entire recruitment process for your company, choosing the methods that will most effectively find the right candidates.
You don't have to think about it anymore - we'll set up a recruitment assignment that matches the skills you're looking for, and all technical skills will be vetted by tribe47 experts with years of experience in digital marketing.
At talent47 you get a 3-month recruitment guarantee on people hired on our recommendation.
Our team of experts will review both soft and hard competencies of candidates before making recommendations.
Announcement, candidate search and assignment tailored to your company's culture.
From day one, we are actively seeking candidates for positions in your company.
We will support your employer branding with our efforts to always put the candidate's needs first.
Summary of the action plan and profile of the candidate
Searching for the best candidates - in our database and through direct search.
Helping you conduct and evaluate recruiting activities
Recommendations of the best candidates
Screened candidates from various business areas
as early as 3 weeks after the start of cooperation
by working with digital marketing practitioners from tribe47
domestically and internationally
Assist you with job postings and scheduling, and manage the candidate experience at every stage of the recruiting process
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Comprehensive recruiting as part of the All In service will work particularly well for start-ups, small and medium-sized companies, especially those that do not yet have a marketing or sales team on board.
The cost is determined individually based on the client's needs.
Statistically, we complete the process in 60 days.
Guarantee to submit another profile when a candidate hired in the process terminates within 90 days of the start for reasons beyond the candidate's control.
The contract is for a period of 6 months.